This is a part of my new video series called: Daily Rituals with essential oils & crystals. Each week I will share with you one crystal or one essential oil and how you can use it to support your mind, body and soul.
If you missed it, check out this post and learn why these tools are so important to support your holistic wellbeing and spiritual development.
This week we will be exploring Frankincense essential oil.
You can read through the blog post and/or watch the video.
This oil is known as the king of oils because it can help with a lot of different areas: physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
If you have something that you want to use essential oils for but you aren't sure which oil, Frankincense is your best bet.
When in doubt use Frankincense.
This oil carries a very calming and soothing energy.
It will help you to see maybe what is false or what is being deceptive within your external reality and also as it relates to you and what you maybe holding onto. It helps you see the truth so that you can make shifts and move yourself forward.
Divine masculine and divine feminine energies are within each person. Here is how I see them: divine feminine is about being - creativity and intuition. Where Divine masculine energies are about action - leading and doing.
If you are feeling stuck in an area of your life and you want to get into action, Frankincense essential oil will be of great support for you.
There are so many different ways that you can work with this essential oil. The best way to get started is to simply work with it. Use these daily rituals as a way to experiement and learn more about this essential oil for yourself. Then you can determine what is the best way to work with it for you.
Remember - you are always changing. What may be working for you now or in the future may shift based on your goals, desires and season you are in. That is OK. Allow yourself to ebb and flow. Move with the current you traveling on.
Put one drop of the oil on thumb and then hold it up to the roof of your mouth for 20 seconds. Not only does this daily ritual support your physical wellbeing (internally) but it also help you to connect in with your truth.
** Please note that not all essential oils can be taken internally. Make sure that it has the supplement info on the label and is intended for internal use. This is one reason why I only use and recommend dōTERRA essentials oils, due to their purity of product.
Open up to your truth
I realized that doing this daily ritual with frankincense to the roof of my mouth allowed me to open up to my own truth. I was recalling experiences where I was keeping myself stuck and able to see why. This allowed me to make a choice to consciously shift this so I could finally step into a different reality.
Work with this oil to help you uncover the truth. Maybe you are being challenged in a particular area of life. Maybe you want to get to the truth of a specific challenge. Be intentional about working with Frankincense during your journaling time.
To do this you can add it to a diffuser, open the bottle to breathe in the oil, apply topically to your heart chakra, third eye chakra or even crown chakra or add a drop of this oil to the roof of your mouth.
Allow your intuition to guide you. Maybe try all these different ways to determine what actually works best for you.
Add a drop of this oil to your lotion and apply to your body. This will help you soothe and calm the body. A great energy to step into your day with. Or to use before bed and create a soothing restful sleep.
Add a drop to your moisturizer again to soothe and calm skin but also support health skin. When your skin is healthy, it glows naturally.
Use during meditation or a time when you are ready to connect inward. Simply open the bottle, breathe the oil in or add it to your diffuser. Make sure to journal your experiences afterward.
This oil will help you ground into your body while opening up spiritually by expanding your energy field to tap into a higher/expanded consciousness and intuition.
You can also use the oil to anoint your crown chakra, third eye and heart chakra to help you connect in this way too.
You can use this oil in so many different ways. These are just a few ways to support you at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. The oils are multidimensional which means they can help you on all these different levels just by working with it in one way.
Work with this oil for one week to get to understand it, understand the aroma, understand how it connects to your body, understand where you might be wanting to use it by connecting with the plant spirit.
What I always find so interesting is the more that you work with it and connect with it, you're going to notice as you go about your day or your week, that frankincense might come to top of mind. The oil might call to you at times when it's best to use it. Which is helping you to understand and work with your intuition.
Don't have Frankincense essential oil and want it? Click here add Frankincense to your cart (and any other oils you desire) at 25% off retail price. When you purchase through my link I will add you to my private community Essentially Balanced where I can help you support you on your health and wellness and spiritual journey.
Let me know in the comments below (log in for free) if you are currently using Frankincense essential oil? If not, how will this oil help support you now?
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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary. She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. β¨β¨β¨