Your intuition and spiritual connection is your innate (natural) ability. They allow you to feel supported and guided on this journey called life. These two abilities will help you in trusting yourself. When you can do that, you are able to make a more aligned decision that has your best interest and intention in mind.
Essential oils are just one of many ways to help you develop these abilities. I am excited to share them with you.
You can read through the blog post/watch the video or both.
Before we dive deeper into the specific essential oils, I want to help you understand the difference between intuition and spiritual connection.
Your intuition and spiritual connection have many similarities and can often overlap each other. However, there is a clear definition of each and I want to share them with you to paint a clear picture of what they are and how to use them.
Your intuition is your internal compass. It has how you read energy. You may feel it, know it, hear it or even see images with your minds eye. These different types of intuition is called the clairsenses. Your senses beyond the physical senses.
Your intuition is how you problem solve and make decisions without logic.
This is an internal process.
When you follow your intuition, you are going to be making more aligned decisions and actions that will lead you to what you truly desire to be.
It is an innate ability within you so it is important to understand how your intuition works best for you. It is different for everyone. For me, I tend to feel more and know more than see or hear. However, you can develop all of your clairsenses.
Your spiritual connection is your relationship with a higher power. This could be your Higher Self, the Universe, the Divine, God, Nature, Higher Consciousness. Whatever that meaning is for you.
Your spiritual connection helps you feel more aligned and on purpose. This is about finding meaning, experiencing peace and fostering a relationship with the Divine.
Something beyond you, but it could be you, as in the sense that you are energy in a physical form. You're a small piece of an extended version of your energy and so this could be you bu tin energetic form coming through to the physical body.
You can think of your spiritual connection as external, where your intuition is internal.
These two aspects can intermix, for instance when we talk about your Higher Self. That information comes from an extension beyond your physical body but it is you.
Your spiritual connection leads you through synchronicities. This is when things fall into place. Coincidences, some call them, even thou there are none. This is external and how they help guide you to the 'right places', at the 'right times'. Another confirmation to know that you are supported.
Essential oils give you the ability to enhance both your intuition and spiritual connection abilities. In doing so, this allows you to feel more connected, tuned in and relaxed.
When you are relaxed and calm, your energy field expands. It opens up and aligns you with more of that intuitive ability or spiritual connection. You can easily filter through the information and looking externally to see how that works for you.
There are so many different ways to work with essential oils. Choose what most resonates with you. If you are unsure, follow the recommendations I give below. That will help you get a better idea of how they can support you and then adjust accordingly.
1. CLARY SAGE ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Vision. This will help you with your clairvoyance ability which is clear seeing. Giving you a different perspective to consider. Clairvoyance is associated with your third eye chakra. This is where you could see things from your minds eye, visualization or even imagination help you tap into this ability.
This oil can also help you connect with the other clairsenses: clear feeling through the sacral + solar plexus chakra, clear hearing through the throat chakra, clear knowing through the crown chakra.
Use this essential oil to help you gain more focus and clarity on a challenge, problem or choice you have to make.
2. FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Truth. It helps you strengthen your connect with the world from a physical and spiritual aspect. This oil will help you get to the truth behind making decisions.
Creates a calming experience for you to feel relaxed and tuned inward.
3. LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Communication. This oil will help you enhance the communication through your intuitive abilities. Not only to receive but to speak. Intuition is your ability to read energy, it will help you improve the communication between the energy that is presenting itself to you. This helps you in making a more aligned, informed decision to support the highest good.
4. ROSE ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Divine Love. It will help you open up your heart center and expand your energy field to be the channel of the intuitive communication. If you don't have the oil, dōTERRA sells a rose hand lotion that you can use to support this energetic vibration.
1. MYRRH ESSENTIAL OIL: This is the oil of Mother Earth. So every grounding, keeping you present in the moment but connected to the spiritual. It will help you feel accepted, trusted and less judgmental. Use this to help you feel relaxed and get into a deep meditation. Which is a great way to connect more spiritually.
Creating a consistent meditation practice even if it is only 5-10 minutes will help you deepen this connection and strengthen this ability.
2. BLUE LOTUS ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Dreams. It has such a faint aroma but is wonderful. It can help you with spiritual enlightenment and rebirth. The blue lotus grows in murky, swamp water where it floats at the surface. The flower opens up every morning revealing this beautiful golden center and then closes every night, so it depicts us the ability to rebirth yourselves and reach your highest potential every single day.
3. ROMAN CHAMOMILE ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Spiritual Purpose. Help you find more meaning in life or direction so that you can move toward it.
4. HAWAIIAN SANDALWOOD ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Sacred Devotion. It is very grounding yets keeps you connected spiritually, so expanding your energy field to bring in the energy of your spiritual connection.
5. ROSE ESSENTIAL OIL: The oil of Divine Love. Great to help you align your energy with the Divine. Your heart center is the portal to the Universe and your highest expression.
You will want to work with the oils that resonates with you. This is the easiest way to help you feel calm and connected which expands you ability to hear, see, feel and know what your intuition is telling you and what your spiritual connection is sharing with you.
The simplist way to work with the essential oils is through intentions. This is how you direct the flow of energy. Intend to use these oils to enhance your intuitoin and develop your spiritual connection. Then you want to create and practice using them on a consistent basis. The more you work with them, the more you will be able to feel tapped in and in tuned throughout the day. It will begin to be natural for you and the trust will continue to grow.
Which essential oils are you going to start working with?
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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary. She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. β¨β¨β¨