Blog How To Attune To Your Crystal

How To Attune To Your Crystal


Whether you are new or experienced at working with crystals, it is always beneficial to attune to the energy of your crystal. 

Attuning allows you to:

  • Get connected with the crystals energy
  • Better understand how to work with it and how it can best support you
  • Instantly work on shifting energy frequencies within the body that are no longer in resonance with you
  • Deeply connect with the crystal unique frequency so you can better understand yourself

Attuning to your crystal means that you are going to tune into its energy, vibration and frequency. Because crystal have such a strong, stable vibration, I will share with you how to bring that energy into your body so you can begin to work with it, at an energetic level.  

How to Attune To Your Crystal

  1. Activate your hand chakras: There are energy centers in the palm of your hands.  Rub your hands together.  Then slowly pull them apart and bring back together. Notice how it feels. This activates your sensitivity to energy.  Practice this often.
  2. Place crystal in palm of hand: Allow the crystal to sit in your palm. Notice how it feels. Notice any sensations or images coming through. Switch hands. Notice how that feels in the other hand.
  3. Allow yourself to sit with the energy: Keep the crystal in your palm or bring your crystal to your heart center, and hold it there. 
  4. Bring the crystal energy into your body: Allow the energy of the crystal or color or both to enter into your body from head to toe. See it, feel it, imagine it or simply intent for it to be.  Allow this energy to move from your head all the way to your toes.
  5. Attune every cell to the crystalline frequency: Envision, feel, know or intend that every cell of your being, be attuned to the crystalline frequency. Allow your body to fill up with the lightcodes and energy.
  6. Thank your crystal for the connection: When you are done, simply thank the crystal for the connection.  Do this from your minds eye or saying it out loud. Give gratitude for this opportunity.
  7. Journal your experience: Write down what you experienced, even if you felt nothing. Sometimes it takes time to recognize energy & how it works through you. As you go about your day and weeks, notice how this energy works with you throughout the days and weeks.

You can come back to this practice as often as you feel guided to.  The more you tune into the crystal and it's energy the more you are able to identify and understand how it works for you.

If you want to dive deeper into working with crystals to better understand and support you, then I would highly recommend looking more into our Crystalline Embodiment Level 1 course.  It officially begins January 2nd.  Save money by signing up now.  Price increases on December 27.  


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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