Blog Top 5 Tips To Living A Soul-Led Life

Top 5 Tips To Living A Soul-Led Life


Your soul is the expanded version of your light, your essence, who you are at your very core. As a human you bring a portion of that light within you into physical form.

Your soul has desires, passions, missions to do things in this physical reality. It guides you to your best version and outcomes that you are here to step into.

If you are reading this, you want to live a more soul led life. I want to give you my top tips to living a soul led life.

You can read through the blog post or watch the video. The video is more of a light transmission with expanded information from the blog post.

The moment I realized this power was when I was young, maybe middle school or high school. I remember my mom telling me that she wanted to be an airline stewardess but never fulfilled her dream.

I thought to myself, I don’t want to miss out on any dreams. I want to follow my passions and desires. Every since I took the high school CAD, Computer Aided Design class, I knew I didn’t want to be an architect to just make money. I wanted to work in a job that I loved being in.

That is when I saw a vision of working with dolphins and followed my calling to be a marine biologist. It has been since that moment that I have always allowed my soul to guide me.

Don’t get me wrong, there are challenges along the way. Things I get myself into that I question over and over and over again. But the majority of the time I am allowing my soul to led.

By allowing my soul to lead, I am not taking away from who I am. I am allowing myself to lead. My soul is the core of who I am beyond this physical body.

Top 5 Tips to Living a Soul-Led Life

  • You got to be willing to be in your body - your soul comes from within you. It speaks through you by way of intuition: feelings, knowings, words and visions. It is important to stay grounded within your body. This means that you are centered. Not in your head our looking from outside of yourself.

    Challenge: It can be uncomfortable being in your body. Especially when you don’t know how to work with your emotions. Emotions are simply energy in motions. They are to been see, felt and released. They are not you. But the energy that moves through you that carries information on what is in your best interest or not.

  • Make space to tune in - create a spiritual practice. Getting quiet and being with yourself is key to understanding your soul better. It allows you to tune into how you read energy and what desires you have.

    Challenge: Making time to create a spiritual practice, especially when you don’t normally have one can seem like a waste of time. If you are constantly focused on your to-do list a mile long. Or your brain is always “thinking” about what to do next, then this practices is probably exactly what you need. It don’t need to take long, start with 5 minutes. Over time this practice will create huge results for you.

  • Don’t beat yourself up - begin to trust yourself. There is NO one way to live your life. There are 1000+ timelines and options that you can tap into. The best part is you are in control of what you desire to choose. There is never a wrong way. Everything is some sort of stepping stone that guides you into understanding yourself better.

    Challenge: Getting being your head all day about which decisions to make. Your mind is wonderful to help you understand perceptions, reasoning and thinking but you should allow your heart to lead. Your heart and mind can work together. I recommend tuning into your heart first.

  • Allow yourself to play, explore and be curious. You are here to shine your light and live a life you love being in. That means exploring life. Trying things on and seeing what you resonate with and what you don’t. Allow yourself the flow in the energies of play, exploration and curiosity. This opens you up more to your magic and soul light.

    Challenge: Not allowing yourself to truly enjoy life. This holds you back from experiencing so much in this physical reality. If you find yourself getting rigid and back to way of living that are not soul-led, ask yourself, “What do I truly desire to experience for myself? How can I tune back into my soul?” Follow the inspired action that comes.

  • Follow the nudges of your soul and take action. This takes total trust on your part to follow what comes through to you. You know the moments when you have a deadline to meet and the nudge to go outside and take a walk comes through. Those are the times to follow it. It is in those moments that “what you need/desire” will come through for you.

    Challenge: It may not make logical sense. Most of the time it won’t. But more often than not, I have found those experiences lead me on a path to where I truly desire to be. Keep a journal, note what comes through and how you follow it, or not. This will help you to build trust in yourself to keep following your soul.

These are just a few tips to help you live a more soul-led life. Remember, it is a journey and it is YOUR journey, no one else’s.

Leave me a comment below and let me know if you resonate with any of this tips to support you in living a more soul-led life. If you loved what was shared and you feel this is useful for others, please share using the links on the right.


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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