Blog Understanding Energy Blockages: How to Identify and Release Them

Understanding Energy Blockages: How to Identify and Release Them


In today's reality, it is very common to feel overwhelmed and even disconnected from their true self.  This causes one to feel stressed, overwhelmed, emotionally reactive and maybe a sense of feeling stuck in life.  These types of symptoms can all be related to energy blocks.  

In this blog post I want to help you understand energy blocks so that you can identify and release them so that you can restore balance and vitality.  

What are energy blocks?

Energy blocks are disturbances of energy flow within the body.  Life force energy is always moving within us and around us.  This energy flow through the meridian system, chakra system and even axiatonal lines, which related to your light body.  When these channels are blocked it can lead to physical, emotional and spiritual imbalanced.

Common Causes of Energy Blocks

  1. Emotional Trauma - this can be unresolved emotional pain can get stuck in the body.  
  2. Stress and Anxiety - this type of tension causes blockages within the body and stops the flow of energy.
  3. Poor Physical Health - lack of nutrition, movement and hydration all impacts the energy flow in the body.
  4. Negative Though Patterns - persistent negative energy and beliefs can negatively impact energy flow.
  5. Environmental Factors - toxic relationships and environmental factors also effect your energy.

How To Identify Energy Blocks

When you are able to recognize these blockage, you begin the first step in healing them.  

  • Physical Symptoms: chronic pain, headaches, fatigue, digestive issues.
  • Mental Fog: lack of clarity, difficulty concentrating, memory problems.
  • Emotional Imbalances: emotionally reactive, depressed, stressed, feel stuck.
  • Spiritual Disconnection: feel lost, struggling on your spiritual path, disconnected from your intuition.

Use the following techniques to help you identify energy blocks:

  • Body Scan: tune into the body and notice areas of tension
  • Journaling: write down your thoughts and feelings to uncover patterns of emotional blocks

How To Release Energy Blocks

There are so many ways that you can release energy blocks.  Take a look at this list and begin to work with the ones that most resonate with you.

  1. Meditation and Visualization: This type of energy work calms the mind and the body.  Allow yourself to imagine the energy blocks releasing from the body.  You can also see healing light coming into the body and transforming particular energy blocks.  
  2. Crystal Healing: Each crystal has it's own unique properties.  You can work with whatever crystal calls to you or choose based on a particular desire.  Use them through meditation to help release energy blocks.
  3. Essential Oils: Apply topically or work with aromatically to help move the energy within the body.  Just like crystals, each essential oil has unique properties.  Use one that you feel guided to work with on a particular energy block or look them up and choose that way.  
  4. Movement:  This moves energy within the body.  A consistent movement practice, such as simple as walking, dancing or even strength training shift and moves energy blocks.
  5. Lifestyle Changes: Eating balanced meals, drinking enough water and moving your body on a consistent basis are foundations lifestyle practices that will help to shift energy within the body and naturally release energy blocks.

Energy blocks can influence any aspect of your life.  This knowledge is often overlooked because there is a lack of emphasis on energetics.  The more that you can identify and release these blocks, the easier it will be to create greater balance and vitality within the body.  Begin to incorporate these practices into your daily routine and live a more harmonious and fulfilling life.  Remember, you are the vessel for your own healing.  Trust yourself and continue to move yourself forward.

Ready to start your journey to energy realignment?

Access my free Recalibrate Your Energy experience to learn three powerful practices using visualization, crystals and essential oils to release stress and tension in your body. 


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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary.  She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. ✨✨✨

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