This Wednesday I am starting a new video series called daily rituals with essential oils and crystals.
Today I wanted to share with you why this is important and what these daily rituals can do for you.
They shift and move energy.
They help you see what may be holding yourself back.
They help you understand and know who you truly are.
They activate your innate abilities so that you can shine more of your light into this world.
I have about 17 years of experience working specifically with crystals and nine years working with essential oils. They have become a natural part of living and operating in this reality for me.
I think that mostly it's because these tools are multi-dimensional.
They not only work at a physical level but they help you mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. They also connect you with energy, the unseen and helps you make it known to you.
There's no one right way to work with crystals and essential oils. They each carry their own specific energy but this can impact each person differently. That's why I believe it is best to just start working with them.
Get to know them, play with them, get curious and see how they can truly support you right now, in the moment with what you need..
They way they can support you may shift and change. It depends on what you need, where you are headed and what season you are in.
Allow yourself to trust the process. You will ebb and flow, change will occur and that is OK.
Use them to create the change you have been wanting.
Apply them daily into your life through rituals and practices.
Don't just use them when things aren't going right.
Use them when your life is moving in the direction you desire to amplify the energy so they can truly support you.
Daily rituals provide a consistent structure that supports your well being and spiritual development,
In my upcoming video series, every week I will be sharing just one rrystal or one essential oil and how they can help you to begin to understand their power, get you in touch with your own power and intuition and how you can use them to support you in the best way.
This is so important and so key. By working with them, you will begin to tap into the magick and watch it unfold for yourself and your external reality.
The Daily Rituals video series will come out every Wednesday, first on YouTube, click here to subscribe to my channel and turn on the notifications so that you will know when the videos are available to watch.
Need essential oils? I'd love to support you. When you join my essential oil community, not only will you gain access to pure essential oils for 25% off + a year of membership for free, but you will also access a community full of support and additional essential oil education to make sure you are using them to support your goals and desires.
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Stacy Stehle is a Crystal Reiki Master, Wellness Advocate, Spiritual Life Coach & Founder of Holistic Luminary. She guides you towards creating balance and harmony within, trusting your intuition, and embracing your spiritual connection so that you can become the vessel for your extraordinary life. β¨β¨β¨